Well, what the heck. Let's see if this works.
It seems to work.
Looks like I am in
OK, I'm an idiot (not a news flash) for I spent a couple minutes hovering over every icon on Wolf's comment to figure out how to reply before scrolling down the page for the reply box...blush emoji.
I like that you can see who liked a comment w/out hovering
Oh it appears that there is a max file size...is that variable or is the 2 MB desired?
Would this forum be a good place to save "links" to key q-tree info? Like sometimes there is great material in comments but it's hard to find via searches. Do these forum topics get threaded?
Like for example
I. Donald Trump
A. Rallies
B. Family
1. Melania
2. Baron
C. Endorsements
D. Public Announcements
E. Reliable Supporters
1. Mike Lindell
2. Sidney Powell
3. Rudi Guiliani
4. Mike Pompeo
5. Lin Wood
Anyway just a thought for it could be great to have access to some Key Info of interest in an easy to find format, imo
Oh I just completed an edit, hopefully w/out issue
Hi everyone! I'm really excited about having a Forum.
Wolf Moon
Does the Forum eventually take the place of the U Tree? Is the Forum the place to "meet up" if all Hades (DeepState) breaks out at the Q Tree?
Congratulations, Wolf -- and many thanks for all of your hard work!
This forum is an excellent idea.
EDIT: It worked. Thanks, Wolf!
Need to fish around with this.
(OK... I'm in !)
Test me too... Hi TheseTruths and guest! I wonder why there is a capital P at the bottom of this text box.
Oh the P displays when I click to start typing here but it doesn't display in my message. This place is very nice Wolf, thank you!!
The Collapse Replies option is sweet. So far, everything is fast too. I've attached a picture of my Meg Westie. She turned 17-years-old yesterday 18 APR 2021 and she's still fairly spry.
Looking forward to the forum "shaking out" and taking shape.
Thanks Wolf.
A forum - different topics on different threads?
Will that mean staying "on topic"?
I really like the free-form Open Thread.
I wouldn't necessarily choose all the items posted, but I get exposed to all kinds of things that I subsequently do choose.
That was super easy and likes work!!
I ran a forum a decade ago. I am a huge fan of this format over blogs.
and hugs to Wolf and team for creating it!
Do we get the bell notifications if someone replies or likes on the forum? I don't know anything about this format at all.
The other thing I esp like with forums is say that I remember bettylou-makebelieve responding to something I posted and I wanted to find that response again. You look under your name and posts and can easily find it. Or look under her name and her posts to find it.
This is just a personal preference, but I also love the stats on forums. My husband and I have hobbies that utilize forums so we've been using them for decades and I like being able to see if someone is ol incase I want to send them a message. It's much easier to look at the stats then scroll through pages of blog posts.
I do like this forum idea. This is my test post and to say "hello"
Yeahhhh Val's back on! And p.s. Wolf, think you'll get any sleep tonight?
I had to smh when i saw this emoji
Was that created for covid or as a hint to let others know it was time to put a sock in thy mouth!
Hopefully it precedes some type of beating someone up emoji!!! I guess those above will have to do!
Now let me see how this works. Lots of others here have posted so I'd expect the most elementary bugs have been fixed by now.
Been out enjoying the spring weather for a few days, fixing things in the physical world so not so much online. This whole corona-show is reaching higher levels of madness anyways. It is proceeding beyond what even Monty Python could contrive in their heyday. Ah for the days that corona was just some safe and pleasant things: a variety of beer, a typewriter, a tabletop radio, a car of a certain model from Toyota, some kind of cigar, cone-shaped ice cream, a brand of strawberries...
Meanwhile there is another round of wet and miserable being promised/threatened for later this week.
Wow, boss...you've done a lot of work since I was here last.
Thank you so much!
This is not important, just curious: There is an upper case 'P' down in the lower lefthand corner of this comment box.
Does anyone else have that too?
this is a test...I'm not "registered" as a "member"...and I don't see WHERE to do that ??
here's my topic..
How The CIA Took Over U.S.Media
Eisenhower warned us about this...and now the endgame is at hand.
(gotta work on my spacing)
OK so where will this end up.
Edit: It appears to be a top-level reply to this topic. Cool.
I love that I can see who is on the thread. For the longest time I was on a Susan Boyle forum and liked it a lot. Just have to get used to this one.
Thank you Wolf for doing so much for for us and having surprises
Thank you for all who do so much work.
One thing I can't figure out is how to control what causes a notification.
Apparently it will separately list each like, and replies (because they usually have "@SteveInCO" in them (and that will probably trigger a notification)).
I would like to be notified about replies (because they might call for a response), but being notified of every single like is just...pointless.