Burma Shave

The Wolf has a NEW FAVORITE PRODUCT that he just wants EVERYBODY to know about. No, not that one! No, not THAT ONE! No, Silly! Not that one either! NEW from the makers of Aubergine's Razor comes..... That's right! BURMA SHAVE! Burma Shave contains essential ingredients, although perhaps no essential oils. Essential ingredients like..... CORONAVIRUS … Continue reading Burma Shave

Department Of Jussie

Sorry, boys and girls and TWITTER CENSORS - yes - that's something called a MEME - namely of OUSTED Swamp Rat "Jussie" K. Liu..... .....but the REAL ONE IS FAR WORSE (hint: read the caption carefully)..... .....So now where were we? AH, YES..... .....How the DOJ Became Terminally Infected with Criminal Communist Democrats, and Needs … Continue reading Department Of Jussie

In the Bubble: Trump’s Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp

February 8, 2020 by Doug “Uncola” Lynn: from TheTollOnline.com This wonderful post is being "manually reblogged" from its source with the permission of the author. It originally appeared here: https://thetollonline.com/2020/02/08/in-the-bubble-trumps-presidency-reveals-7-undeniable-facts-about-the-swamp/ It made its way to The Burning Platform, here: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/02/09/in-the-bubble-trumps-presidency-reveals-7-undeniable-facts-about-the-swamp/ Ultimately, it was picked up by ZeroHedge, here: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bubble-trumps-presidency-reveals-7-undeniable-facts-about-swamp Please consider putting a follow on the … Continue reading In the Bubble: Trump’s Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp

Dear New York Times – You Tipped Your Hand, And Now It's Time To Talk About Violent Extremists

(Original Title: "Who Are The New Bernie-Killers?") In Which Timing, and Timelines, are Everything SEE: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hillary-clinton-supports-death-penalty-for-dylann-roof_n_57507737e4b0c3752dccde7c AND IF I WAS Y'ALL, I WOULDN'T TRY IT AGAIN! FROM: https://armandsrancho.blogspot.com/2016/02/new-hampshire-primary-drudge-report.html As a "dangerous conspiracy theorist", it is now my duty to do my job, and post a rather startling conspiracy theory. However, there needs to be a … Continue reading Dear New York Times – You Tipped Your Hand, And Now It's Time To Talk About Violent Extremists

Socialism Freebies ~ What's the Cost?

Whaddya mean Bernie Sanders is trying to sell me on Socialism? Woke up this morning and flipped on the news. First story was about a survey of how socialism is gaining traction among women. What? Makes no sense! Contradiction in philosophy. How are women supposed to be modern, strong, make their own decisions, independent.... yet … Continue reading Socialism Freebies ~ What's the Cost?