This thread will be used for testing only. Site members please refrain from commenting here, as I work with plugin developers on the YouTube embedding problem and the manual video embedding problem. If and when I need your assistance to help provide examples, I will ask for it. Thank you! Wolf PS, Developers - please … Continue reading Video Embedding Test Post
Tag: blogging
Forum Feedback Discussion
Let me begin by thanking everybody who helped test out the forum, including a couple of "new" posters. I want to emphasize that the forum is going to be designed to bring more people to the discussion, which is basically designed to be like Twitter or Gab - talk about whatever. I want to THANK … Continue reading Forum Feedback Discussion
A Technical Discussion of Our New Website
OK - gather round. This discussion is PRIMARILY for the GEEKS, but not exclusively. Non-geeks are welcome to comment, but I ask that you keep your comments 100% on topic - the features, functions, content and security of the new website. Our migration per se - not the long train of abuses which led to … Continue reading A Technical Discussion of Our New Website
This very special Prayers for Protection thread is a place for our Wolf pack to post their prayers and to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the KAG!MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. … Continue reading 20191016-17-Prayers-For-Protection
Dear K/MAGA: 20191006 Open Topic
This very special More Prayers for Protection SUNDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the KAG!MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse … Continue reading Dear K/MAGA: 20191006 Open Topic
Fifty (5Q) Posts!
That is all. Oh, what the heck. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, all! Every reader of this post!
W I guess this post is 5Q++
Over The Target: Our First Site Hack
It's great to know that we're already bothering the other side. Tonight - the first attack on this site, via the WordPress sidebar widgets. These are people who know who I am, too - very interesting. My guess is KGB-CIA, although Brits and ChiComs are likely, too. Sadly, I may have to disable the sidebar, … Continue reading Over The Target: Our First Site Hack