This is ENTIRELY SPECULATIVE. I want to say that up front. My goal is to figure out WHO our hidden rulers are. I am using a two prong attack. What is the motive, and what is hidden and how. Since as usual this has turned into a book instead of an article, I am going … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250205 Open Thread & The Hidden Rulers
Tag: Bolshevism
Vladimir Putin Confirms: America Has a Bolshevik Problem
Sundance has a great article up right now, in which he shows why his warning about Western COVID authoritarianism is coming true, by highlighting a speech by Vladimir Putin. Let me back up a bit. Sundance has been saying that the increasing authoritarianism and brutality of the Western "democracies" over COVID mandates, is placing those … Continue reading Vladimir Putin Confirms: America Has a Bolshevik Problem
I Was A Teenage Communist – Hilarious Once Again For All The Right Reasons
Springtime for Hitler just went full Bolshevik. Never go full Bolshevik! Most of all, in CHINADA. This is actually a lot of fun, in a kind of sick / maybe not so sick way. It's complicated. Stay with me on this and you'll see. SCTV had an old (1982) skit, I Was A Teenage Communist, … Continue reading I Was A Teenage Communist – Hilarious Once Again For All The Right Reasons
There Is No Constitutional Duty To Defend Bolshevism
What we are seeing now, with "woke Generals", political purges in the military, and various "letters of warning" to the current administration and its military collaborators in the Pentagram - whoops - I mean Pentagon - coming from a lot of current and ex-military, is evidence that we are finally talking about the core of … Continue reading There Is No Constitutional Duty To Defend Bolshevism