If You’re Not Following Denninger, Follow Him Now

COVID Vaccine ADE Biological Explanation #n+1 Pushing vax mandates in spite of this IS NOT MERE STUPIDITY. I'm keeping this short, but HIGH PRIORITY. There's a guy who simply plays BEAR MARKET on coronaviruses, and he's almost always RIGHT. If you care about this damn COVID crap, then you need to be following him. Here's … Continue reading If You’re Not Following Denninger, Follow Him Now

Mike Lindell and Dr. Shiva – Our Geiger Counter for True Patriots

The title is a bit of a joke. Allow me to explain that, first. The Mike Lindell symposium is amazing. The BOMBSHELLS just keep dropping. FAKE ELECTIONS are PROVEN. Dominion is TOAST. Audits are REAL and NEEDED. All of this simply MUST be scaring the hell out of the DonkeyComs. I strongly suspect that the … Continue reading Mike Lindell and Dr. Shiva – Our Geiger Counter for True Patriots

Operation Geronimo Tick Dip Begins 0400 EDT on 07/28/21

Truth be told, Operation Geronimo Tick Dip is not an authentic "Geronimo" operation, because it has been trialed by our wonderful hosting company, COUGHCOUGH.com., and passed with flying colors. An authentic "Geronimo" deployment leaps first and asks questions later. Nevertheless, this is still a pretty daring op, because we're going into new territory as far … Continue reading Operation Geronimo Tick Dip Begins 0400 EDT on 07/28/21

TLDR: The Virus is Real, the Pandemic is Fake, the Vaccines are Wrong

THE END. That is the ultimate TL;DR - the title. You can take that and walk away with an understanding of the situation in three parts. Want to know more? Stick around. It's a coming post. But I want people to get the TL;DR NOW, before Monday, because things are going to start popping HARD. … Continue reading TLDR: The Virus is Real, the Pandemic is Fake, the Vaccines are Wrong

Should We Be Skeptical of Industry and Media Denials of Use of Graphene Family Nanomaterials in Vaccines?

At this point, I don't really know the answer to this question. I've only been studying it for a few hours. However, given the sordid track record of the Faucisphere in government, the duplicitous alien planet Big Pharma, and that wonderful global organization of medical liars and policy-reversing Tedros types, the United Nations of China, … Continue reading Should We Be Skeptical of Industry and Media Denials of Use of Graphene Family Nanomaterials in Vaccines?

Strengthening The Fortress

The Prelude: CUE THE MUSIC! https://youtu.be/uBhVuCcz9GI The First Message: To all who may be locked out at this time PLEASE go to THE U TREE and post a comment - EVEN if it goes into moderation. I will get you out of moderation, and we will get you into here. This strategy has worked for … Continue reading Strengthening The Fortress

I Was A Teenage Communist – Hilarious Once Again For All The Right Reasons

Springtime for Hitler just went full Bolshevik. Never go full Bolshevik! Most of all, in CHINADA. This is actually a lot of fun, in a kind of sick / maybe not so sick way. It's complicated. Stay with me on this and you'll see. SCTV had an old (1982) skit, I Was A Teenage Communist, … Continue reading I Was A Teenage Communist – Hilarious Once Again For All The Right Reasons

Are The Pelosi Police Going to Do a Job The FBI Won’t, and Go After the January Sixth TRESPASSERS?

It's a simple question, but I think it needs to be asked. My money says Her Slyness, Queen Jussie of Pelosi, is going to do what Chris Wray KNOWS is destroying the FBI - the harassment of patriotic Americans for going to THEIR Capitol and registering the MILD REBUKE of YELLING outside the Capitol Building, … Continue reading Are The Pelosi Police Going to Do a Job The FBI Won’t, and Go After the January Sixth TRESPASSERS?

Never Again

This is notice to all Republicans and RINOs that while I will allow a wide variety of views to flourish here, I am PERSONALLY not going to support ANY Republican candidates who cannot make the following PROMISES: (1) to NEVER implement lockdowns again. NEVER AGAIN. (2) to NEVER implement mask mandates again. NEVER AGAIN. (3) … Continue reading Never Again

Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?

The title is a simple question that I am finding has much power to explain things. I'm going to leave this a little bit "loose", so that everybody can "jiggle it into place". If I just say "that guy was a crisis actor!" as evidence, or even just "potential evidence", we get away from the … Continue reading Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?