Never Again

This is notice to all Republicans and RINOs that while I will allow a wide variety of views to flourish here, I am PERSONALLY not going to support ANY Republican candidates who cannot make the following PROMISES: (1) to NEVER implement lockdowns again. NEVER AGAIN. (2) to NEVER implement mask mandates again. NEVER AGAIN. (3) … Continue reading Never Again

Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?

The title is a simple question that I am finding has much power to explain things. I'm going to leave this a little bit "loose", so that everybody can "jiggle it into place". If I just say "that guy was a crisis actor!" as evidence, or even just "potential evidence", we get away from the … Continue reading Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?

A Tactical Analysis of Trump’s Speech to the GOP in North Carolina

NOTE: Colorful language warning. I've got my reasons. In my opinion, Trump's speech to the North Carolina GOP on the evening of June 5, 2021 was BIG COMMS. As I was watching it, I realized that it's IMPORTANT. The first step is to LISTEN TO IT. If you have not done so, then please REMEDY … Continue reading A Tactical Analysis of Trump’s Speech to the GOP in North Carolina

The Wuhan Murders

Something is going on, and it ain't pretty. George Webb seems to believe that the AMERICAN MILITARY was behind COVID-19. I tend to think that CHINA and its AMERICAN ALLIES (DS, DNC, CIA) were behind it. But I will bet we both agree on one thing. WHOEVER KILLED THE MARRIED ARMY DOCTORS HAS SKIN IN … Continue reading The Wuhan Murders

COVID-19: New Treatment Protocol and Important Contraindications

This is a very important video you don't want to miss. It just came out, and the doctor is a guy I've been following. He chooses his words carefully, to stay inside the establishment where he can publish some of the top papers, but he speaks the truth at all times. Don't let the video … Continue reading COVID-19: New Treatment Protocol and Important Contraindications

No New Bioweapon Under The Sun

OK - we're going to have some fun here - but stick with me, and you could learn A LOT. Cue the music! Borrowed from Wheatie! Previous posts helped put both the SPIKE PROTEIN DISEASE and the SPIKE PROTEIN VACCINE into deep perspective. We were seeing that the SOLUTION was a significant part of … Continue reading No New Bioweapon Under The Sun

Is The Abortion Vaccine Right For You?

"When the people have any power to object to a socialist solution, a deniable 5% fait accompli is always more desirable to socialists than a negotiated 50% solution, because they can always negotiate on the remaining 95%." -Wolf Moon When I first heard about a case of a miscarriage by a pregnant doctor, due to … Continue reading Is The Abortion Vaccine Right For You?

Branch Covidians – Seven Ways To See Through The Phony Pharmageddon of COVID-19

PREFACE I thought that I might withhold this post on Easter Sunday, and then I changed my mind, thanks to Deplorable Patriot, Trump, Gab and Jesus. If anybody ever FOUGHT on Easter Sunday, it was Christ. It's time to FOLLOW POINT. The Branch Covidians have taken a toll, but the WAR is turning, and - … Continue reading Branch Covidians – Seven Ways To See Through The Phony Pharmageddon of COVID-19

Bidenazis Fend off Bidenistas and China on Sensibly Chummy NASA Bro Pick, but Will They Hold the Testosterone Line?

WARNING: Snark Level 10/10. Blunt Objectivity 9/10. Ah, sometimes the INFO-SNIPING is so much better from the trenches, where we have a real shot at the belly of the beast. Or have I just been listening to too much country music and drinking Mountain Dew at 3 AM? Yeah, I'm being a prick about the … Continue reading Bidenazis Fend off Bidenistas and China on Sensibly Chummy NASA Bro Pick, but Will They Hold the Testosterone Line?

CCP: The Hidden Tax On Chinese Money That Always Comes Due

I have been warning people about "taking money from China" for a long, long, long time, but I finally realized that this warning is best expressed in exactly the same TEMPTATION that China uses. MONEY. Here is the truth, expressed in MONEY. All. Chinese. Money. Comes with a string attached. A TAX. And that TAX … Continue reading CCP: The Hidden Tax On Chinese Money That Always Comes Due