Thanks to Grandmaintexas for finding this amazing video, which I am promoting to a post, so that other bloggers and websites might see it and pick it up. Most of us are familiar with all the elite names, but we really don't understand even a tiny fraction of how, precisely, they relate to each other. … Continue reading Critical Documentary for Understanding the Dynamics of Great Reset vs. Great Awakening
Tag: Clinton Foundation
A Higher Loyalty: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, a.k.a. HSBC
Wherein we postulate that the real driver of James Comey and Spygate comes straight out of CHINA-PWNED BANKSTERISM - that the Clinton relationship to China may actually be "handled" via HSBC, and that the fact that the entire international cast of Spygate is nearly perfectly matched by the amoeba-like shadow of HSBC is no accident. … Continue reading A Higher Loyalty: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, a.k.a. HSBC
Scammin' Me
Thanks to our QTreeper realsauce who posted a great Tom Petty video, Won't Back Down, here: LINK: Suddenly I remembered one of my FAVORITE videos of all times - the one where Tom Petty understood FAKE NEWS, FAKE ENTERTAINMENT, FAKE SCIENCE and FAKE HISTORY literally DECADES before we did. Here are the original … Continue reading Scammin' Me
Share Your Current Theories on Jeffrey Epstein's "Departure"
All things Epstein invited here, but ESPECIALLY what you think happened or is going on. W Time to Party like it's 1992!
Dear MAGA: 20190312 Open Topic
This TAKE PRECAUTIONS TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190312 Open Topic
[D] Day
W have Q-sign! Q!!mG7VJxZNCI19 Dec 2018 - 6:11:25 PM clock is ticking.When will the 1st alarm ring?If the Senate was the primary target (majority control)….53-47 active when?EO (designated_target(s)) active when?Ongoing investigations….."There are a lot of sealed indictments" - SC"It's all going to come out, U1, Dossier, CF, etc…." - SH"I have pretty good sources…" - … Continue reading [D] Day
This thread is being prepared for THE DAY we've all been waiting for. Here it comes. December 13. They postponed it ONCE. But we know what this is really all about: OANN has done some amazing reporting here - much of it getting the same information that George Webb got. Please check out these … Continue reading D13
Chinese Checkers
Something is going on. Still trying to get a handle on it, but something is going on. Clearly some interesting things are going on. Note that this guy is from a SOROS NGO. So this is like detaining one of their own, IMO. FAKE HOSTAGE. Doctor Quigley (@CarrollQuigley1 on Twitter) is just tearing this … Continue reading Chinese Checkers
Castling Moves
Well, today was a pretty extraordinary day in DC, and I missed most of it, although I had some extraordinary thoughts on things. And Q had a big day, too. If I had to sum it up with a metaphor, Obama's big castling move was Eric Holder as a corrupt Attorney General. Having communist radical … Continue reading Castling Moves
Never Alone
Q's post addressed to Nate Cain ( post 2578) had a line which really struck a nerve: YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. Here is the post. Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 52a4e6 No.4250950 Dec 10 2018 23:13:47 (EST) 'intrusions' have a way of safeguarding people & evidence.Sometimes 'intrusions' are a necessary event in order to safeguard chain of custody [post OIG WB status … Continue reading Never Alone