KMAG 20250108 Rewriting The Constitution

I mentioned in last Wednesday’s article that I fell down an interesting rabbit hole, more like a rabbit warren, when looking in my notes for info on the John Maynard Keynes link to the Fabian Society. This is the comment in my notes that started my latest journey. jdseanjd says: March 6, 2014 at 6:13 … Continue reading KMAG 20250108 Rewriting The Constitution

Dear KMAG 20241211

NOTE FROM WOLF Gail Combs is still having intermittent trouble both editing and posting on WordPress. This is her draft, fixed up and key-worded as best as I could, on short notice. W Gail Combs: At first I was going to do a round-up of all of POTUS Trump’s picks via screen shots and then … Continue reading Dear KMAG 20241211

Jim Renacci Challenges DeWine: NO VACCINE MANDATES. PERIOD.

As Election Day approaches, THE GLOVES ARE COMING OFF. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine's milquetoast stance on vaccines has muddled along, but as we watch vaccine mandates DESTROYING blue states, that tinge of purple in Ohio is looking more and more dangerous, with a WEAK LEADER in the capitol. The man sure loves his purple ties. … Continue reading Jim Renacci Challenges DeWine: NO VACCINE MANDATES. PERIOD.

DEAR KAG: 20210723

“All power is originally vested in, and consequently derived from, the people.” James Madison Welcome to Wolf’s Pub! It’s Friday and wouldn’t we love to put the communist revolution on ice? Ah, just as summer peaks, our special today is a lovely ice wine from the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. In a … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20210723

There Is No Constitutional Duty To Defend Bolshevism

What we are seeing now, with "woke Generals", political purges in the military, and various "letters of warning" to the current administration and its military collaborators in the Pentagram - whoops - I mean Pentagon - coming from a lot of current and ex-military, is evidence that we are finally talking about the core of … Continue reading There Is No Constitutional Duty To Defend Bolshevism

Remember Which State the Alamo Took Place In! They Are Going To Save Our County…..

God bless the State of Texas and AG Paxton. What he has just done gives us every chance to save our Republic and our country. Keep in mind that there are only a few instances where a party can file a direct lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court, a state claiming harm by another state … Continue reading Remember Which State the Alamo Took Place In! They Are Going To Save Our County…..

Dear KMAG: 20200717 Open Topic / Medical Socialism Means Censorship / Euthanasia to Eugenics to Eugenocide / The Logical Triviality of X Matters / Happy Birthday, Gil's Kiddo!

This QTH of JULY FRIDAY open thread is OPEN - VERY OPEN - a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!). Note which video from last week is NOW GONE. … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20200717 Open Topic / Medical Socialism Means Censorship / Euthanasia to Eugenics to Eugenocide / The Logical Triviality of X Matters / Happy Birthday, Gil's Kiddo!

Dear KMAG: 20200710 Open Topic / Second CCP (Control of Coronavirus Perception)

This FREEDOM FROM FAUCI FASCISM AND FEAR FRIDAY open thread is OPEN - VERY OPEN - a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!). You can say what you … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20200710 Open Topic / Second CCP (Control of Coronavirus Perception)