DEAR WINRED: Please Stop Tim Cook From Screwing Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy

Yeah, when I put it that way, a damn tiny computer bug seems like a lot bigger deal than it appears on my iddy biddy phone, but THAT IS THE BENEFIT of having independent, loud-mouthed, wolf-mannered software developers serving as unannounced GAMMA TESTERS of your product. Hey, I could have put it worse. I could … Continue reading DEAR WINRED: Please Stop Tim Cook From Screwing Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy

For The Sake of One Honest Man: Why I'm Supporting Susan Collins

I get an enormous amount of mail, email, texts, and flyers for Republican candidates. I think I must be on every list of every candidate in every state. From California to Maine, Florida to Alaska, I get mailings and urgent texts like I live there. The reason is that I am cursed to see the … Continue reading For The Sake of One Honest Man: Why I'm Supporting Susan Collins

Parscale Counterpunches CiaNN Mockingbird Editor

FINALLY. At long last, somebody did the right thing. HIT THE COMMIE BEHIND THE MASK. LINK: READ IT!!! If there is ANYTHING that shows Trump is in good hands, it is the fact that Brad Parscale KNOWS the Sy Hersh truth - that EDITORS - partisan, activist, agency TRASH - are the ones responsible … Continue reading Parscale Counterpunches CiaNN Mockingbird Editor

We Have 3D – Do I Hear 64D?

Thanks to our own Dora, I was made aware of an article in the Spectator that REALLY strikes home. I absolutely urge you to read it! Here is the link: This strikes home for me, because it really tells the tale of how I ended up over at CTH, as a TRUMP SUPPORTER seeking … Continue reading We Have 3D – Do I Hear 64D?

Democrat Primary Debates – Evening #1

Okay, folks. Think of this as recon #101. We're scoping our opponents, looking for good memes for the 2020 election season. Yes, in order to be informed citizens, we have to watch the debates. We KNOW the press takes comments out of context, on the left and on the right-------- so let's be accurate, at … Continue reading Democrat Primary Debates – Evening #1

Dear KMAG: 20190625 Open Topic

This TOTALITARIAN TECH TITAN TAMPERING TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA KAG! KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both). And a great thing that KMAG ain't GAFA!!! You can say what you want, comment on … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20190625 Open Topic

Dear KAG!: 20190619 Open Topic

This WE WILL KEEP AMERICA GREAT! WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA KAG! world. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. … Continue reading Dear KAG!: 20190619 Open Topic