Science vs. Anti-Science: Conservation of Spike Protein Biochemistry vs. Democrat Media Voodoo of Post-Pandemic Stress

As a young science student in the 1970s, I never would have thought that I would have to correct the American and global media over an issue of late 19th century basic science, but yet, here we are. When basic theories of MATTER and CHEMISTRY proved that "Compound A created by one route has the … Continue reading Science vs. Anti-Science: Conservation of Spike Protein Biochemistry vs. Democrat Media Voodoo of Post-Pandemic Stress

OAN Hosts Amazing Anonymous Documentary on Discovery and Suppression of Ivermectin for COVID, and How Gilead and Fauci Gamed a Remdesivir Study

My dear wife is the one who found this, so let me start off by thanking her. After working outside Tuesday night, I came in the front door, and my wife IMMEDIATELY told me to start watching what was on OAN. It was an anonymous Rumble video about ivermectin and remdesivir that OAN re-bannered and … Continue reading OAN Hosts Amazing Anonymous Documentary on Discovery and Suppression of Ivermectin for COVID, and How Gilead and Fauci Gamed a Remdesivir Study

Since Fauci and Pfizer Must Have Known the Jab Reduces Immunity, Was This Also Fauci’s Goal With an AIDS Vaccine?

Fauci and Pfizer have painted themselves into a bit of a corner. I now believe that they "played a charade" on boosters - that boosters were their intent all along. I think this WHOLE scam was very intentional. But it gets far, far worse. I think I see that they have an agenda much bigger … Continue reading Since Fauci and Pfizer Must Have Known the Jab Reduces Immunity, Was This Also Fauci’s Goal With an AIDS Vaccine?

Nuremberg II

Featured Photo: Meeting of the War Crimes Executive Committee, which decided on the arrangements for the Nuremberg trials. Note the garage pull in the background - Exhibit F1b. I am dying of the China Virus. I had the virus itself in the latter half of January, 2020. I became symptomatic on January 18, and thus … Continue reading Nuremberg II

Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?

The title is a simple question that I am finding has much power to explain things. I'm going to leave this a little bit "loose", so that everybody can "jiggle it into place". If I just say "that guy was a crisis actor!" as evidence, or even just "potential evidence", we get away from the … Continue reading Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?

The Magnetism Challenge: Part III – Suramin: A Lesson in Discreditation of Dissident Scientists and Science

This is for the historical record. I hope that this analysis gets to the "dissident scientists" involved, but even if it never does, future historians will get a powerful look at what I call "Fake Science" - the establishment's phony, deceptive and controlled scientific complex - and how infiltration, control, and discreditation of dissident populist … Continue reading The Magnetism Challenge: Part III – Suramin: A Lesson in Discreditation of Dissident Scientists and Science

The Magnetism Challenge: Part I

Wherein we examine, in something like "MythBusters" style, the dubious "Magnet Challenge", without relying (too much) on the anti-scientific crutch of scientific authority First, a confession. The main reason I am attracted to these videos of people sticking magnets to the COVID vaccination injection sites on their shoulders, is that I love to watch normal … Continue reading The Magnetism Challenge: Part I

Wolf’s Red-Hot Date With Retrotranscriptive Faucipox

Alternate Title: Is Persistent Reverse Transcription a Hidden Virus/Vaccine Objective? Gloating Pre-Preface There are few feelings of satisfaction like opening up the NEWS and knowing one's theories and understandings are WORKING even better than one thought. Let's see if they use this one for damage control, and get the "new science" out before the STORY … Continue reading Wolf’s Red-Hot Date With Retrotranscriptive Faucipox

Zuckertreason: Did Coup Money Come from Democrat Governors via the Chinese Mask Laundry?

Remember THIS little nugget? LINK: That was right after the election. This article was HIGHLY suppressed on social media. People were being suspended and thrown off social media left and right because of it - on both Facebook and Twitter. Entire groups were CLOSED when Zuckerberg's involvement in the election was publicized. Mark CHINABERG … Continue reading Zuckertreason: Did Coup Money Come from Democrat Governors via the Chinese Mask Laundry?

Dear KMAG: 20201009 Open Topic / Li-Meng Yan & 4GW / 30330 / Joe Headroom & The Fly / Keep Focus & Rally to ACB & Lindsey Graham / Prepare to Counter The Media Coup

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL. Today, … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201009 Open Topic / Li-Meng Yan & 4GW / 30330 / Joe Headroom & The Fly / Keep Focus & Rally to ACB & Lindsey Graham / Prepare to Counter The Media Coup