When I wrote about Mercantilism last week I mentioned merchant princes and bankers. I neglected to mention transport. You can not have trade without transporting trade goods from one place to another. If you look at American Indians, they had trade routes and used humans, canoes, dogs & camelids for transport. In Eurasia they were … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250219 BRITISH TRADE & DAILY THREAD
Tag: Great Britain
Dear KMAG: 20250212 Open Thread & Mercantilism: The Motive
I have noticed what I think is a thread throughout history. In my article, on Operation Gladio, I mentioned Mercantilism. Investopedia defines Mercantilism thus: Mercantilism and the Colonies of Great Britain Mercantilism is an economic policy designed to increase a nation's wealth through exports, which thrived in Great Britain between the 16th and 18th centuries. … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250212 Open Thread & Mercantilism: The Motive