Wolf Moon’s Perspective on the 2022 May 3rd Ohio Primary Election Results

You will notice that I didn't just entitle this post "Wolf Moon's Perspective on the Ohio Primary Election". You see, due to Democrat lawfare in Ohio, Ohioans are actually going to have TWO Ohio primaries this year. There is a SECOND one in August, thanks to Democrats. It's a complicated story, but the Cliff Notes … Continue reading Wolf Moon’s Perspective on the 2022 May 3rd Ohio Primary Election Results

The MAGA Gold Rush In Ohio

File the problem of "too much MAGA" under "GOOD TROUBLE". Yes, I was PLEASED when former Ohio Congressman Jim Renacci came out of some seemingly short retirement, and started talking about getting out from under the economic errors of the current "masked out" administration - talking about "making Ohio great again" - talking about "Ohio … Continue reading The MAGA Gold Rush In Ohio