When I wrote about Mercantilism last week I mentioned merchant princes and bankers. I neglected to mention transport. You can not have trade without transporting trade goods from one place to another. If you look at American Indians, they had trade routes and used humans, canoes, dogs & camelids for transport. In Eurasia they were … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250219 BRITISH TRADE & DAILY THREAD
Tag: Marina Abramovic
Notice The British Empire vs The Ottoman Empire in the first map on the left. I thought about the promises the Brits made to the Arabs if they revolted against the Ottoman Empire. I did a bit of digging and decided I am going to explore WHY the Brits/Rothschilds were so interested in destroying the … Continue reading DEAR KMAG 20240925 DAILY THREAD — ISRAEL, USA & WAR
I'm going to make a list of four important points about Hollywood - (which was to a large extent ideologically molded by communist RUSSIA, and is now significantly owned by communist CHINA, although being uniquely developed by AMERICAN communists) - and elaborate on those four points for your interest. Remember - this is from the … Continue reading Caballywood