Dear KMAG 20241211

NOTE FROM WOLF Gail Combs is still having intermittent trouble both editing and posting on WordPress. This is her draft, fixed up and key-worded as best as I could, on short notice. W Gail Combs: At first I was going to do a round-up of all of POTUS Trump’s picks via screen shots and then … Continue reading Dear KMAG 20241211

DEAR KAG: 20210129 Biden Lost, Bigly

It’s Fight Back Better Friday again! Wolf’s Pub has opened its doors. Today we celebrate! Today we toast the gamer investors who took on the Wall Street part of the SYSTEM and beat the tar out of it. The GameStop Story lit the match that has started another populist fire. If you go to the … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20210129 Biden Lost, Bigly

20200220: Matt Gaetz Blows the Doors Off The View

It happened this morning. Debate is a skill. Matt was champ of the state of Florida in high school, and he still has the skills. He left Joy, Whoopie, spinning. Excellent appearance. He was polite, firm, and controlled the room. See what you guys think. 7 Minute Video.