WTF (What The Flynn) I have no idea what is going on here. Let's figure it out. W

Zero's Paradox

You can do a lot with zero - and yet it's nothing. "Mueller Time" is likely going to turn out a whole lot different than anybody expected. Watching the comments on this Twitter thread was fascinating.  All of those liberals saying that Flynn had "flipped" on Trump. And yet, there was a certain hesitation … Continue reading Zero's Paradox

The Empire Strikes Back

I think Sundance is right.  The Empire is striking back. This is what he's talking about: I urge people to read both links - the DC article immediately above, and Sundance's analysis. In my opinion, we are now seeing an open civil war in the federal government.  This is completely analogous to what … Continue reading The Empire Strikes Back

Ride-'Em Skippy!

How the Real Story of Russian Collusion Nukes Robert Mueller and the DNC with John Podesta If you noticed the EERIE BLUE-VIOLET GLOW around John Podesta's head in my little graphic, don't worry.  It's not RADIATION, even though I just put that idea into your head and you can do NOTHING about that, because you … Continue reading Ride-'Em Skippy!