Another Sirius Tale of Two Stars

We start, once again with Orion...but we move east (left) and south (down) a least as seen from the Northern Hemisphere, around midnight. Shortly after sunset, just look straight down. Follow the line of the belt stars towards the eastern horizon. See that very bright star there? That's Sirius. It's the brightest star in … Continue reading Another Sirius Tale of Two Stars

APOLLO 11: A triumph of Man Living in Freedom

NOTE:  I had a beautiful version of this.  Then I tried to move a picture, and lost it all.  This is but a shadow of its former self. Today marks the 50th anniversary of one of the greatest achievements of humanity, the landing of men on the moon for the first time, July 20th, 1969. … Continue reading APOLLO 11: A triumph of Man Living in Freedom

Dear MAGA: 20190120 Open Topic

This special Super Blood Red Wolf Moon Open Topic post is dedicated to your thoughts on this day, perhaps the day that will be remembered as the beginning of the eclipse of the Opposition. I'll talk a lot about the Super Blood Red Wolf Moon later, in lieu of an editorial, but first, the usual … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190120 Open Topic