Joe Biden never won. This is our Real President - 45, 46, 47. AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250120 Inauguration Day ❀ Open Topic
Tag: Sundance
An exercise in conceptual shaming The Population Control Shot – Introduction Let's try a different angle on that one..... See, for example..... The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple BUT WAIT! The depop shot doesn't just work on the euthanasia end of things..... See, for example, what I was thinking BEFORE the … Continue reading
Thank God I’m a Peaceful, Honorable, Law-Abiding, and Constitution-Loving MAGA REPUBLICAN and YOU’RE NOT, President “Adolph” Biden, Puppet of “Uncle Joe Stalin” Obama
I tell you, I'm just sick of these guys. And gals. Between the BIDENISTA commies and the BIDENAZI fascists - all of them kowtowing to the Atlantic Council and the WEF globonazis, we're in for a RIDE. SCREW YOU, ADOLPH!!! MOOD MUSIC - LAUGHING! Know about any "secret treaties", China Joe? NOW, they have … Continue reading Thank God I’m a Peaceful, Honorable, Law-Abiding, and Constitution-Loving MAGA REPUBLICAN and YOU’RE NOT, President “Adolph” Biden, Puppet of “Uncle Joe Stalin” Obama
The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple
In cases of religious mass suicide/homicide, such as Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, and Aum Shinrikyo, it is very difficult to regain a humanitarian understanding of the key participants after the infamy of defining events sears the conscience and redefines reality. Even more difficult, however, is the opposite - to BEGIN to think the unthinkable and speak … Continue reading The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple
Conspiracy to Suppress Competing Science – The Case Against Bill & Melinda Gates
I think it is now quite clear that Bill and Melinda Gates need to get the hell out of science and medicine for the good of humanity. I am going to show you why. I am not saying that Bill Gates is doing anything new. I am saying that he moved his disastrous "Windows Effect" … Continue reading Conspiracy to Suppress Competing Science – The Case Against Bill & Melinda Gates
The Vaccine-Powered Rona-Coaster
Is the Directed Evolution of Variants - Something Deeply Understandable to Joe Biden's Science Advisors - Being Abused by the Corporate-Government-Academic Axis? Yeah, you remember that one! Several hat tips to Sundance on this one, too. It's now becoming very clear that the mercenary Bill Gates getting involved with healthcare was one of the LAST … Continue reading The Vaccine-Powered Rona-Coaster
Vladimir Putin Confirms: America Has a Bolshevik Problem
Sundance has a great article up right now, in which he shows why his warning about Western COVID authoritarianism is coming true, by highlighting a speech by Vladimir Putin. Let me back up a bit. Sundance has been saying that the increasing authoritarianism and brutality of the Western "democracies" over COVID mandates, is placing those … Continue reading Vladimir Putin Confirms: America Has a Bolshevik Problem
The Clot Shot, The Explanation Thereof, And The Faucist-Lysenkoist CDC That Pretends Not To Understand
I. The Clot Shot First things first. Nobody would be calling ALL of the various full-length stabilized SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit spike protein vaccines "the clot shot" if there weren't some clear and obvious problems with the full-length stabilized SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit spike protein ITSELF. We already know that clotting dysfunction is key to COVID-19 pathogenicity. … Continue reading The Clot Shot, The Explanation Thereof, And The Faucist-Lysenkoist CDC That Pretends Not To Understand
Are The Pelosi Police Going to Do a Job The FBI Won’t, and Go After the January Sixth TRESPASSERS?
It's a simple question, but I think it needs to be asked. My money says Her Slyness, Queen Jussie of Pelosi, is going to do what Chris Wray KNOWS is destroying the FBI - the harassment of patriotic Americans for going to THEIR Capitol and registering the MILD REBUKE of YELLING outside the Capitol Building, … Continue reading Are The Pelosi Police Going to Do a Job The FBI Won’t, and Go After the January Sixth TRESPASSERS?
Signs of COVID Plot Downfall
Don't relax now - we have them ON THE RUN There are many SIGNS that we have scored a MIDWAY VICTORY..... the fight against the COVID PLOT. I'm not kidding. Bringing down the SPIKE PROTEIN - the ABORTION PROTEIN - and the WHOLE-BODY SPREADINGTHROUGH-SKIN SHEDDINGTEEN-AGER DEADING mRNA vaccine - is like - in reference … Continue reading Signs of COVID Plot Downfall