20191031: It All Comes Back to Ukraine.

For those who still have courage, for those who can read beyond a headline, for those who believe in liberty and our rights, this is our time. It’s been a long path. Along the way, we’ve encountered those who have lied, spied, and died. At times, we ‘ve been distracted by skillful opponents, small and … Continue reading 20191031: It All Comes Back to Ukraine.

Why Would Democrat Governors and Mayors Kill a Bunch of Old People?

It's all here, people. Q POST 4489 Once you see it, you CANNOT unsee it. I can now explain EVERYTHING - including why certain actions were taken behind the scenes to influence ME and other people here (not all of which I can tell you about). But THAT is just "dotting the I" and "crossing … Continue reading Why Would Democrat Governors and Mayors Kill a Bunch of Old People?

Snopes Racing to Help Adam Schiff on Pedo Rumors

Just sayin'. Here is its, more fully. If you go there now, you can probably still see it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/wd40-ad/ When is reporting on leftist DEFENSE a form of wrap-up smear? Well, probably when something is so damaging to the left, they actually have to defend on it. Whatever. For the record, Schiff is married and … Continue reading Snopes Racing to Help Adam Schiff on Pedo Rumors

The Grand Energy Treason Conspiracy

When what is about to be exposed is fully exposed, people are going to prison all around the planet. Some nations and political systems will have to live down their roles in this conspiracy for CENTURIES. The Catholic Church will very likely have a new Pope. American politics will be changed forever. Science will be … Continue reading The Grand Energy Treason Conspiracy

Ukraine: Same Scandal, Different Decade

John McCain, Glen Simpson, Mary Jacoby, Oleg Deripaska, Stefan Halper, The FBI (same guys), State Dept (same guys), Paul Manafort, Rick Davis, Putin, Viktor Yanukovych, ..... a Rothschild from London, and all the same players from Russia/Ukraine. Does it sound like we're talking about "Muh Russia" or "Biden's Ukraine"? Nope, we're talking about the 1990's, … Continue reading Ukraine: Same Scandal, Different Decade

The Ukraine Meddled in the Presidential Election of 2016.

Forget about Russia. It all started in The Ukraine. Paul Manafort worked for the Party of Regions and their candidate, Yanukovych, who won. The other side was Timoshenko, Rick Davis (Manafort's old partner), McCain, CIA, State Dept, DOJ, George Soros, and a new player, Hunter Biden. Follow the bouncing ball, with me, for a Reader's … Continue reading The Ukraine Meddled in the Presidential Election of 2016.

Dear MAGA: 20190204 Open Topic

This special GAB MOON A-RISIN' MONDAY Open Thread is VERY OPEN. As the battle to restore FREE SPEECH prepares to go on offense with Gab's coming COMMENT BROWSER EXTENSION, we bring our readers one of the most interesting Q "decodes" yet. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it leads somewhere EXTREMELY INTERESTING. Observe: (1) … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190204 Open Topic